Wired Wednesdays: Facebook & Fact-Checking: What’s Changing?

The image is a square with circuits running through it. Dark Blue with a teal coloured font. A circular picture of Ashley in the middle. Ashley has a short brunette gold oversized glasses, teal shirt.

In this episode of Wired Wednesdays, Ashley dives into Meta’s recent decision to discontinue its third-party fact-checking program across Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. Learn what this means for the spread of misinformation and how it could impact the way you consume content online.

Ashley will be available in the L.E. Shore Boardroom from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM for 15-minute drop-in sessions to assist with minor tech issues. For more complex problems that may require additional time, 1-hour tech help appointments are available four days a week.

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