eBooks, Audiobooks, and eMagazines

eMagazines through OverDrive / Libby

Category:Books & Reading, eBooks, Audiobooks and eMagazines, News & Magazines

Over 3,000 popular magazines from around the world! Digital magazines have no wait lists or holds, do not count towards checkout limits and provide…

hoopla Digital - Streaming audio, video and eBooks

Category:eBooks, Audiobooks and eMagazines, Featured, TV, Movies and Music

Enjoy instant access to a great selection of movies, books, audiobooks and music directly on your device. You can borrow titles with no waiting and no…

Libby by OverDrive - Ontario Library Service Download Centre

Category:Books & Reading, eBooks, Audiobooks and eMagazines, Featured

Download eBooks and audiobooks to your computer, tablet, iPad, or smartphone through the Ontario Download Service Centre. iPad, tablet or smartphone users…