If you choose, you can submit your eBook to Indie Author Project (IAP), a royalty-free, non-exclusive publishing platform that makes eBooks available to local public libraries.
This service is free for all authors, no matter how you have chosen to indie publish. The submission process takes about 5 minutes, and you are welcome to submit as many of your books as you would like. Before you submit, please make sure that your book is:
- A PDF or an ePUB file
- In the English language
- An original work to which you own the rights
Once submitted, your book will be passed through the review process, and you will be notified within 4–6 weeks if your book has been chosen as an Indie Author Project Selection.
All submissions, regardless of audience or genre, may be included in your local library's collection if you choose. For those living in the Town of The Blue Mountains region, your book will be accessible for local readers through Biblioboard.
Watch Wired Wednesdays: Self Publish your own eBooks! for information about eBook formats and the Indie Author Project as well as how to submit your works.