The interlibrary loan service offers patrons the opportunity to request materials from other libraries.
There are three ways to order items through interlibrary loan:
- Visit or call the Library (519-599-3681) to make your request.
- Search and order materials through INFOntario, a patron-initiated interlibrary loan service.To use this service you must first get a user id and password. Contact us to get set up. Learn more about Do-It-Yourself Interlibrary loan.
- Complete the Interlibrary Loan Request form.
Loan Period
Materials retrieved from another library usually have a loan period of five weeks. Items may not be renewed.
Turn-Around Time
Now that the program is dependent on Canada Post, the delivery may take 4 weeks or longer to obtain some materials, depending on the availability or type of material requested. Patrons will be notified by phone or email when the requested item arrives.
Patrons have 1 week from the time of notice of the item having arrived to retrieve their materials. Any books not picked up by one week will be assessed a $5 restocking fee. If you are out of town or are unable to pick up with item, please let us know so we may assist with delivery and retrieval times.
What May Be Borrowed
Items that may be borrowed from other libraries include fiction and non-fiction books and audio books. All materials must be more than one year from the date of publication.
What Cannot Be Borrowed
Items that cannot be borrowed from other libraries include books that have been published within the last year, current bestsellers, movies, compact discs, reference materials, entire issues of magazines and periodicals, textbooks, and school course material. The library can borrow only what other institutions are willing to lend.
If you are requesting a book that has been published within the last year, please make a purchase suggestion.