Banned Book Sanctuary
We read banned books! The Banned Book Sanctuary draws attention to stories that have been challenged, censored, or removed across North America.

Empower Your Knowledge
A compelling nonfiction booklist on Black history that focuses on the Canadian experience.

Canada Reads
Canada Reads is back! See the shortlist.

Top Circulating Books of 2023
We've compiled the data and these are the most checked-out books in 2023!

A Library Reading List
We love books set in libraries because, quite simply, libraries are the best. Enjoy this list of library-themed books. From thrillers to historical fiction, they will keep you reading (and loving libraries).

Earth Day Reading List
Earth Day is April 22! A selection of fiction and non-fiction from the Library’s collection to celebrate Earth Day. These books focus on the natural world, the environment, climate change, and more.

80s Retro Reads
Our Retro Reading list is keeping us in a state of nostalgia. Some set in the 1980s, others transporting us back to the culture of that decade, these novels are a must for those who love Stranger Things and long to experience the days before the Internet.

Grey County Reads 2023
Seven Canadian books will compete through social media for the top spot. Follow along by reading each defender’s answer to weekly questions, share your opinion, and vote for your favourite book.

Black History Month reading list
Literary historical fiction to read during Black History Month and beyond

Top circulating fiction of 2022
These are the novels that our patrons checked out the most in 2022.

Staff Picks
Recommended reads chosen by BMPL staff

Climate Change
Visit our catalogue to find the latest materials on climate change