Celebrating the Magic of Children in the Arts, December 2023

Celebrating the Magic of Children in the Arts – an art exhibit featuring Beaver Valley Community School (BVCS) students - ran from December 2-27.

During the fall of 2023, instructors for Magic of Children in the Arts have brought art classes to BVCS. Students have honed their artistic skills through the creation of hundreds of art pieces, which will soon be brought together for a bright and vibrant show!  We are so excited to be showcasing these young artists!

Magic of Children in the Arts

Magic of Children in the Arts (magicofchildren.ca) is based in the Southern Georgian Bay area. Their mission is to inspire and encourage children to create, exhibit and celebrate art. For almost 30 years, Magic has presented an annual children’s art exhibition, offered community art classes for children, and presented art workshops in schools in the area. They also offer summer and March Break camps. All of their workshops are planned and taught by paid professional artists with exceptional skills in working with children.

Virtual Tour