Our Summer Invitational exhibit ran July 3 - August 17 and featured Emily Kewageshig and James Mishibinijima. Enjoy the virtual tour below!
"Past, Present, Future" – Emily Kewageshig
We flow through time, riding the waves of life. We discover what it means to live not only in the past and present, but to look to the light of the future. This exhibition explores where the artist has come from and where she is going. The energy and knowledge of her ancestors guide her through this journey. Through connection and understanding, we begin to accept things for what they are and take in all the beauty that surrounds us. The spirit of the people, animals, trees, plants, land and water is reflected through vibrant colour and movement within the artworks. Kewageshig's work is a reminder to walk with purpose."
“Through the Eyes of James Mishibinijima, Spirit Art” – James Mishibinijima
As a young boy, James would visit Francis Kagige, a neighbour and well-respected Artist, who taught him the fundamentals of the craft while sharing stories about the spirits, legends and myths that were part of his heritage. He began to draw and paint images that came to him through his visions. His family and community elders taught him the language and traditions of his people which allowed him to transform from a painter into a visual storyteller. James began having visions which he attributes to his native heritage and the strong spirits that inhabit Manitoulin Island. These visions became clearer and more vivid after James survived a serious car crash that left him in a coma for four days. While in the coma, James traveled to a place where he could communicate with other spirits who told him that this was not his time and that he should go back and teach the traditional teachings. He uses those visions and spirits to shape his way of life and allowed them to create his spirit art.