Light Therapy Lamps

Light therapy lamp
Health and Wellness

Light therapy lamps, or seasonal affective disorder (SAD) lamps, mimic outdoor natural light. Late fall and winter months lack sunshine, which may affect people in different ways — lowering mood,  lowering energy and over sleeping. Over time, these lights are intended to improve mood and overall sense of well-being in those affected.

Available for loan to patrons 18+ who have signed the Technology Loan Agreement.

How do I use it?

Turn the lamp on and sit, read or work in front of it for 20-30 minutes. For sensitive users, gradual exposure is recommended. Sit about 2 feet away. Face the lamp and allow the light to shine on your face but not directly in your eyes. It is most effective when it is positioned slightly off-centre. Do not stare directly at the light.

The HappyLight therapy lamps deliver up to 10,000 lux for effective, safe, and natural light therapy: UV-free, LED, full spectrum light. There are controls to adjust light colour and brightness, and a timer so that the light will turn off on its own. To use the timer, hold a finger over the middle button until the light on the button pulses. Continue to hold your finger on the control. Each bar of light represents 5 minutes.

Is light therapy safe?

Light therapy is considered to be generally quite safe. Side effects of light therapy are usually mild. Some people may experience nausea, headaches, eye strain, or feel “edgy” when they first start using a lamp. These effects usually get better with time or by reducing the light exposure.

There are no known long-term harmful effects of light therapy; however, people with retinal disease, macular degeneration, diabetes; or taking certain medications (such as thioridazine, lithium or melatonin) should consult their doctor.

BMPL holds no liability for use of the lamp. You are using the lamp at your own risk. The light lamp should not be seen as a cure. Light therapy is just one form of treatment that may help with the winter blues.