Key Messages
Action Planning
- The Board reviewed a new format for the 2024 Action Plan. A Committee of the Whole will be scheduled to refine the Board and CEO work plans.
Organizational Excellence
- Workplace Excellence: The Board passed a new Respectful Public Interactions Policy to further its commitment to respectful workplaces and safe public spaces.
- Board Appointments & Strong Governance: We welcomed new member Carol Sackville-Duyvelshoff to the Library Board. Carol was appointed to the Board by the Town of The Blue Mountains Council on Monday, March 11, 2024, and brings years of government, strategy planning, human resources, and project management experience to the team. Carol will receive a comprehensive orientation and tour of BMPL facilities.
- Be a Key Municipal Partner: The Board celebrated the appointment of the BMPL CEO, Jennifer Murley, to the Town of the Blue Mountains Multi-Use Recreation Feasibility Study Committee.
- Be an Employer of Choice: A report was received detailing the learning outcomes of staff who attended the 2024 Ontario Library Association’s Super Conference, which provided meaningful opportunities for career development and growth. Additionally, BMPL received its certificate of Accreditation for meeting the highest public library standards in Ontario.
Community Hubs
- Develop Multi-Use & Technologically Connected Spaces: The CEO was instructed to begin a review of space utilization at LES, including previous studies undertaken. The goal is to determine actions that can be taken to address current space issues.
Empowering Services
- Provide Diverse GLAM Services & Support 21st Century Literacy: Curator, Alessia Farris, led a presentation about a new project that the Museum is leading on behalf of the Town of The Blue Mountains: The TBM Cultural Map. This project is in partnership with the Town’s GIS team and will engage local committees and individuals to self-identify and digitally map the people, places, and resources that define us. The purpose is to preserve local history, connect people through stories, promote our cultural districts, and boost tourism. More information about the project will be launched on BMPL’s website in April.